Tuesday, February 2, 2016

5 Steps to Healthy Kidneys You Should Know

You don’t need to be exposed to a handful of risk factors before you consider proper care of your kidneys. As prevention is always better than cure, it’s critical to be proactive in making sure these organs remain in their best state possible.

To keep them in top shape, here are some of the things you can do:

1. Avoid over hydration

While drinking water is recommended, drinking too much of it can cause potential harm. When taken in excess, it causes your blood vessels to expand in order to accommodate the increase in fluid volume. When the vessels stretch beyond their normal measurements, they become weak and prone to injury.

Avoid over hydration

Six to eight glasses of water a day are usually enough to meet your body’s requirements. If the weather is extremely hot or if you’ll be doing strenuous physical activities, then you may need to increase your intake.

2. Know your medications

Pain relievers, when taken occasionally, usually don’t cause serious effects. However, if you’re going to rely on over the counter pain relievers, like Ibuprofen, for chronic joint pains, then you’re likely to cause damage to your kidneys. Instead of deciding on your own, try to consult your doctor about the best alternative to the said drugs.

Know your medications
3. Watch what you eat

The foods you eat usually don’t have a direct effect on your renal health. It does, however, have a strong relationship to medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. These conditions are known factors that can trigger renal issues. If you want to protect these organs, then you should consider eating healthier foods. Try to shy away from foods that are high in salt, sugar and oil.

Watch what you eat

To boost your renal health, you can try adding these super foods in your diet:

● Cranberries
● Garlic
● Olive oil
● Probiotics
● Cauliflower
● Watermelon

4. Keep moving

Exercise is one of the best ways you can control your weight, blood pressure and blood sugar. In choosing an exercise type, keep in mind to assess your physical capability first. In certain cases, overexertion can lead to severe breakdown of muscle tissues which can greatly put a strain on one’s kidneys.
Keep moving

5. Do a routine check up

If you are particularly predisposed, it’s important that you undergo routine checkups and assessments to detect possible infections, failure and other similar issues in their early stages. Because prompt treatment and interventions are essential to prevent worsening and complications, you can inquire about the following tests to your doctor.

Do a routine check up

● Urine test for albumin or protein
● Blood creatinine test
● Blood pressure measurement

Discipline is an essential part in keeping your kidneys healthy throughout the years. Without it, even the most effective preventive measure.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Top Facts of Healthy Modern Nutrition For Every Child

Preschool covers the period from 2 to 6 years. The school year runs from 6 to 12 years. During the preschool and school period there has been a slowdown in the growth rate over the first year of life. However, this growth must be accompanied by a steady increase in weight.

In the second year the intestine has matured and the child's diet is very similar to that of an adult.

About two years, children have a decreased appetite because its growth is slower than in the previous stages and need fewer calories. Usually more anarchic in the amount of food they eat, they may be exceeded in a meal and compensate by eating less at the next. Despite all this the number of daily total calories is correct and should not be alarmed if the pediatrician observed proper weight gain. What it is important to try to score some guidelines and a routine environment to food.

They should empower and let them eat alone. Almost diet is very similar to the adult, so they should get used to eat everything. The child will express their preferences and tastes; often mimics the behavior of the adult. You must create a positive atmosphere ahead of food and maintain a set of routines and schedules. It is important to promote family meals. The balanced diet from two years will contribute to a better development and growth of the child and will be the basis for healthy habits.

A child between 1 and 3 years needs to eat 1,300 kcal / day and between 4 and 6 1,800. Breakfast should provide 25% of daily calories and 30% lunch and dinner. The snack should not exceed 15% of total daily calories. Protein should provide 10-15% of the calories in the diet and are very important for growth. Carbohydrates provide half the daily calories and fat 30-35%.

One way to get a good balanced diet is following the pattern of the "Mediterranean diet". With a balanced diet they are not needed vitamin supplements. The child from 2 to 6 years should consume daily cereals (with carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals); vegetables or pulses (which provide fiber, minerals, vitamins and proteins); pint of milk a day minimum (or dairy), fruit and olive oil.

Food Facts

Different food groups for this age ration examples are as follows:
  • Milk and milk products. Yogurts having substantially the same composition as the milk is more easily digested, help replenish the intestinal flora and are lower in lactose
  • Meat, fish, eggs and pulses: 2 servings (80 g of meat, fish or chicken, 100 g of lentils or chickpeas cooked or 1 egg).
  • Bread, cereals, pasta and rice: 3 to 5 servings (80 g of bread, 1 potato, 1 bowl of rice).
  • Fruits & Vegetables: 5 servings (150 g of boiled vegetables, a piece of fruit, salad).
  • Olive oil: 4 or 5 tablespoons.
It is to limit the consumption of sweets in the diet and snacks do not feed the child and satisfied. The same goes for sweet drinks. The best drink is water and soda or bottled juices are reserved for special situations. Cow's milk must be whole, not skim, and containing fats needed for child nutrition. It is highly recommended that meals are prepared at home with fresh quality products and taking extreme hygiene measures.

Latest recommendations:
  • The child must decide how much you want to eat and to avoid resentment between meals.
  • You should eat only if you can.
  • Do not fill your plate up top; It is better to offer small amounts and repeat if the child wants.
  • Family meals, with regular schedules.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Benefits of Exercise in "Muscles And Bones"

The human body for correct operation has to have a fit and proper muscles. If our body is not fit then muscular and joint pains appears slowly. The controlled and planned physical activity have many benefits. But to get them we have to be consistent in practice or join a gym where personal trainer or fitness trainer can take care of your health and fitness.

exercise on muscles and bones

Some benefits of exercise on muscles and bones: 

In Muscle: While doing sports or gym session muscles tone will improve slowly. Doing this activity makes muscles stronger and in a few weeks the volume of muscles will start increasing and the results will be visible to the naked eye. The human body is designed to work well when there is a suitable muscle, for this its essential to do exercise.

In the Bones: The body when you realize that the muscles gain strength then begins the process by which bones become denser hard and strong in order to support the new loads of stress arising from the new muscles. It's like the benefits cardiovascular system, which produces feed-back and that apparently have nothing to do with sports.

In the Joints: Increasing the effectiveness of the joints due to the resistance of tendons and ligaments and improved internal lubrication added increasing muscle mass and strength, making quality of life increases exponentially allowing delay aging and increase the chances expansion as active and independent person.

  • Increases muscle mass and therefore strength and endurance.
  • Muscles increase resistance to fatigue, allowing better withstand daily workouts.
  • The muscles and reactions become faster, making you feel one more skilled and agile.
  • The bones thicken, become more resilient and less prone to fractures with unexpected falls.
  • The general increase in strength, endurance, balance and agility falls significantly reduces traumatic injuries and postural

In our mind the exercise improves quality of life. 

Exercise improves quality of life
  • The exercise makes us feel safe and that our self-esteem increases.
  • In almost every sport increases socialization of the individual.
  • The exercise reduces stress.
  • We increased our leisure activities, making us happier.
  • We increased our topics of conversation, so increased our ability to socialize.
  • We increase our circle of acquaintances.

Against pain and injuries:

Increasing our physical and our self-esteem affects many widespread pain slashing. The strengthening of our body, makes us more alert, more balance and we have a complex reaction time more efficiently and quickly, so that the drops and bumps are reduced.

Strengthening the muscles, thickening of the bones, makes them less traumatic falls and recover the normal state rather than a sedentary person. Always be necessary to develop skills in different ways and add other workouts to normal sessions. Perform a few minutes of stretching exercises after each session.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Motivate Yourself to Loose Weight with Boot Camp Training

People tend to get loose with a lot of things when they are fat. There are lots of things that we found useful in the search for a more beautiful and fit body. For fit body, there is one thing that we can is the field of cardio boot. You can motivate yourself to lose weight by these military techniques or Boot camp Training also like: sit-ups, push-ups, walking, weight training, obstacle courses. Do these exercise get your body in shape but you have to start slowly and take your time. Stretching before engaging in any physical activity at all times. "Remember one thing that these routines are not for those who have injuries." You can also join Boot Camp fitness Classes because it challenge the mind and as well as the body.

How to Motivate Yourself to Loose Weight:

1. Stretching:
Start by stretching your arms by raising them above your head. Do it in an upward motion, stretching as far as you can until you feel your muscles tense. You will feel a minor burning sensation. Stretching a little more and then relax. Do not strain.

Body Strectching

2. Fitness Level:
You should be able to determine your fitness level: beginner, intermediate or advanced. You should know this to see if you are fit to do push-ups or crunches.
Body Fitness Level

3. Beginner and Experts:
The beginner will only be able to do some exercise because they tired quickly. The average is able to exercise a little but never tires of normal activities. The advanced is able to do push-ups and sit-ups regularly, including walking and running.
Beginners and Experts in fitness training

The beginner can add straight leg exercise routine. Sit on the floor with your back straight and legs extended. Then you have to touch your toes. Do 10 repetitions.

The medium can do a complete push-up by lying on stomach with legs fully extended behind him. Get your hands on the floor beside your shoulders. Push arms forward until it is fully extended. Keep your back straight. Lower your body until your nose touches the ground. Do a round of 20.

The advanced can do by adding more run a mile in their routine.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Easy and Best Exercises For Abs in Summer

Abdominals are the muscle that has more myths around. Do not know why you think it's a special muscle you have to train differently than the rest. The abs, like any other muscle, needs a different training of other muscle. In this article I will teach you the best exercises for the abdominals in summer.


The abs is a muscle like the biceps, chest, twin, so you have to train like this. At the gym you start to make a simple Press Banking, you do not take an "imaginary bar" and start doing the reps. If you pick your bar, you stick roughly the weight you can, and start training. Well with abs is the same.

Studies have shown that doing cardio is much more effective to do crunches, putting two men (of similar weight and height), one run and another to do sit-ups and the result has been more Making positive aerobic exercise.

Doing Cardio

If you have a high fat percentage in your body, however much you work your abs, you will never see results. Jogging is one of the best ways to lower that percentage of accumulated fat. A run away!

The abdominal hipopresivos, besides being positive exercises for women who are in the post-partum, helps to get incredible changes in the shape of the belly. With this kind of exercise you'll get a much flatter tummy and give your abs see the light.

Crunches with weight
As I said earlier, abs are a muscle like others. To develop, always controlled by a professional (monitor fitness, personal trainer,), you have to do this kind of abdominal weight. Low repetitions and realizes much slower. You will see how the results will be greater. In case you have no time to do this at home, then you should hire personal trainer near you.

Crunches with weight

Monday, April 15, 2013

3 Levels Benefits of Exercise and Sport

The physical exercise and sports help us to improve our health and quality of life. Exercise provides a number of benefits to the physical, psychological, social and emotional. Physical activity is one of the healthiest habits we can do, as it helps us to eliminate excess kilos and retained fluids in our body, we can gain muscle mass and tone our body combat fatigue, improve our mood, relieve stress or improve intestinal transit.

The physical exercise and sports

Regular exercise have lots of advantages, but some people do not try because of laziness or muscle pains. However, a little willpower and effort can quickly notice the positive effects of leading a physically active life.

There are many reasons you may opt for one or another sport, but more importantly, feels comfortable, like it do and does not annoying anyone. It is also important to consult with a doctor and a Personal Trainer who can tell you what kind of exercise is best for you and which activity achieve higher performance. Is it time to start gradually, to accustom your body to the effort involved in daily physical exercise. Our body will be grateful, because the number of health benefits is very high.

Personal Trainer

A physical level:

  • Remove fat and prevent weight problems
  • Increase your resistance
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
  • Increases muscle development
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Increased cardio-respiratory fitness
  • Overall improvement in our fitness to achieve endurance, strength, speed and elasticity.
  • Prevents constipation problems

3 Levels Benefits of Exercise and Sport

A psychic level:

  • Eliminate stress
  • It allows you to relax and sleep better
  • Improving your coordination and reflexes
  • It helps to reassure and prevent depressive states

A socio-emotional level:

  • It helps us to relate to others
  • Increases motivation and interest
  • It acquired values ​​such as leadership, responsibility or assistance
  • Encourages teamwork
  • Reduce the aggressiveness
  • Promotes self-esteem
  • Improved body image

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How Military Boot Camp Training Improve Children

A training camp can be defined as a training center with faculty highly structured and very strict, and staff. These are known to be state run correctional centers where children and teens are sentenced by the courts, when they are caught doing illegal acts. In the U.S., these training camp for children considered only the phrases used in criminal justice for children, because you can not give harsher punishments. Although these camps are run by the state and are the responsibility of the government, there are a few private boot camps for kids also. In Miami, Metropolis Fitness and SPA also provide Boot Camp Classes, You can join by visiting BootCamp Classes Miami OR you can also Hire Personal Trainer if you need.

BootCamp Classes Miami

Boot Camps are often confused with military schools, as they both seem to strict methods of improving children, but they are very different. Boot Camps to follow a certain decorum and a set of rules that does not excuse any member sent for correction. The output of these is positive however, with a few exceptions. A little more information about these military boot camp for children is mentioned in the paragraphs that come up, so take a look.

Why Military boot camps is beneficial for kids ?

When a child or teenager breaks the law, or is found guilty of illegal acts, the judges have to condemn them to boot camps for correction. These troubled teens and children have to serve their term in these training camps for children, during which they are given military training and discipline taught. Many children and teenagers are sentenced to these soldiers and fitness camp for kids, by the long duration of time. The length of stay depends on the severity of their actions, but this time period can last months. As mentioned above, most of them training camp for children are administered by the State, with the exception of a few who are served by private organizations for the government. There are training camps under the force of the army, navy and air for more training in these armed forces, which is where the army camp most children are sent. Check out what they are and how they can help.

Why Military boot camps is beneficial for kids ?

Boot Camps What to do?

* Fields required to start giving children with problems and disorders proper focus and mental development.

* Most of the children sent to these camps are malnourished and sick children who are victims of abuse, the failures, the challenge and depression.

* There are a number of street children and orphans sent here. The first thing to focus on is their eating habits and health. They are given a balanced diet (since they are growing children), and has some exercises Boot Camp, which are intensive in nature.

* The regular medical checkups and treatments are also provided to children to see if they are in good shape. Most of these children are victims of solitude and retirement, so there are games and activities are also planned to make them feel part of a group.

* Therefore, when these children are trained in an environment where they meet other kids like them, they find comfort. This could lead to some changes in them, both physically and psychically.

Boot Camps What to do?

Boot Camp for children is helpful?

* There is no solid guarantee that training camps for teenagers who work in the case of all children sentenced here, as this depends on the individual strength and mentality.

* However, due to strict short-term facilities through which these adolescents and children are put through, there are chances that some positive changes in them.

* One of the most important aspects to be weighed on are discipline and personal development, so over 70% of children go home with good changes.

* If the child is very upset and the idea of ​​camps for children, is an addition to the feeling of neglect to house, this training can have negative effects in his / her development.

Boot Camp for children is helpful?

Many think that the training camp for children and teens are not the right way to teach children the importance of discipline. But it may be a last resort, if you want your child to improve and find a positive approach to life.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Join Bootcamp to Stay Fit and Healthy

The Article is very short but very worthy..!!!!

Boot camp physical training is usually done at outdoors. It is based on military training exercises.

It is a fun activity because every session is different from the above and do everything in groups, but each participant will pace.

Bootcamp Military Training

The exercises include:
  • Jogging
  • Sit-ups
  • Climbing stairs
  • Push-ups and leg exercise
  • Exercises with weights and rubber bands

Doing Boot camp 3 times in a week, in two months will strengthened the arms and legs rather than for a full year in a gym.

There are even programs for moms just like Boot camp for Moms which has live training sessions in different parts of the United States and Canada. But you can also enroll in online classes or if you are in Miami, then you should visit Metropolis Fitness Gym for Bootcamp Classes in South Miami or you can also download the weekly or monthly sessions here " Class Schedule " for more health and fitness activities.

Bootcamp Classes for Moms

Bootcamp for moms allows children attend, both in training live as those heading online. There are more exercise programs that focus on physical concerns more common in moms: the butt, abs and weight loss, among others.

Kids Boot Camp Classes Miami

Friday, March 22, 2013

Top 4 Proteins to Achieve Your Ideal body

This Article is devoted to athletes (men or women) seeking to increased muscle mass, enhanced muscle mass, hardness and tone fat.

Top 4 Proteins to Achieve Your Ideal body

Proteins are the basis of our body and organs, and therefore its is more important our health. There are many types of protein supplements, but also many different reasons for such supplements, so the answer to what type of protein you need depends on what your needs are.

Whey Concentrate

Whey Concentrate
This protein is so popular, its price is very reasonable and is a relatively efficient source protides. Consequently, whenever we find a product that is basic, works well and its cost is low for effectiveness, becomes a favorite, especially among bodybuilders who seem these days to count every penny spent. Although the whey concentrate contains less protein slightly and they are in a slightly lower biological value from other types of whey, is most forgiving that fact, the great economic savings use. Specially, the whey concentrate protein is most popular with beginners. They just need to have a protein that can engulf sufficient and grow as much as possible. However, once a bodybuilder is involved in the competition and each gram of protein has, then it seems that the pocket is a little more open to provide more effective protein supplements that can help you win a competition. But in the meantime, is for beginners and intermediates, whether for before training or just before going to bed, the whey concentrate does the job. However, for more experienced bodybuilders, rapid absorption of whey generally keeps them away as the best alternative to bedtime.

Casein Protein
Those looking for the best type of protein to consume during the night, they need Casein Protein because it is digested slowly.

There are two types of dairy protein.

80% of the protein in cow's milk is casein and 20% casein remaining serum. It takes five and seven hours to digest completely, so that if you eat just before going to sleep ensures that protein is releasing will all the time that you spend sleeping. Casein protein is digested so slowly that literally form a curd in the stomach as it is digested. It maintains a slow and steady release of amino acids into the bloodstream.

These amino acids reach the peak after three or four hours, but as just mentioned a little earlier, the arrival of amino acids in the system will last for up to seven hours. If we compare this with the serum, which generally produces a spike in blood after one hour, then you will understand that casein protein supplement is a much more convenient to take at night before retiring to bed. This supplement is great to prevent degradation of body protein. Casein protein will guarantee the preservation of mass muscular, develop large muscles depend on how your body is able to balance the protein synthesis and degradation.

Casein Protein

Most supplements are used for specific purposes, but the Glutamine will provide a wide range of benefits that increase your chances of gaining muscle and burn fat. Glutamine is one of the best when it comes to getting the most for your investment in your purchase.

Casein is a protein forms slower absorption, but one of the most rapid absorption of the protein is isolated from the serum. Whey isolates are absorbed very quickly and it is the ideal source of protein after training. It enters into your system quickly and will prevent other proteins, or muscle tissues already formed in the body that are catabolized and preserve a lot muscle, while ensuring that new muscle fabrication more.


The negative aspect of whey isolates is that they are expensive to manufacture and the cost is passed on to the consumer. Therefore, most bodybuilders are willing to sacrifice some of bio-availability, in exchange for being able to buy for the same money a higher amount of protein.

The protein powder isolated from the serum works wonders for those who follow a calorie-controlled diet, because this is the kind of lower-fat protein to all proteins. Virtually all of the fat present in the milk is removed during the process by which an isolate is obtained. Therefore, if you are preparing to compete, then you had better inclusion a lot of whey isolate protein in your diet.

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein
The protein hydrolyzed is more expensive protein supplements, because it is the major whey protein quality. Hydrolyzed proteins are produced thereby providing greater absorption of peptides. This results in a tremendous anabolic effect which adds to higher absorption of all the protein available.

Supplements of high quality protein, such as isolated and hydrolyzed, are useful for increasing retention and bio-availability of essential amino acids. They also help to preserve the current lean muscle mass better than any other protein source. The whey protein hydrolyzed is absorbed almost 100%.

You can contact me for anything related to your personal training, nutrition, weight loss, elimination of cellulite and localized fat, fluid retention, weight gain need or increase muscle mass etc.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Female Body Shapes: Find Out Which One You Have!!

There are different forms of bodies and not everyone has it. The shape is determined by physical characteristics, and is different for men and women. Men tend to have inverted triangular or rectangular but women are more types of body shapes, "rectangular" or "square" of "hourglass" or "guitar", "triangular" or "pear-shaped" or "inverted triangle", "form of apple "or" oval "or" round ". Therefore, if you want to focus on some point of your body to improve, you have to consider the shape of your body and look what chords exercises your body.

Female Body Shapes: Find Out Which One You Have!!

A. Hourglass Form or Guitar Body Shape

Normally women are envied because its features are a narrow waist and shoulders and hips of a similar, more or less, the same size, recalling the famous 90-60-90. However, they are people who tend to gain weight in the chest area and hips. An Example is Catherine Zeta Jones.

Hourglass Form or Guitar Body Shape
Exercises suitable for hourglass and guitar body shape

You have to controlled your weight and not gain weight, cardiovascular exercises are suitable for it. To balance the upper and lower body, toning exercises should poly-articular or functional for involving the largest possible number of muscles movements. Some activities are:

  • Jump Rope
  • Combined with shoulder press bicep curls and squats.
  • Running low intensity
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Buttock Exercise
If you really not able to do the workout, then you must have to hire personal trainer or join a best gym near your area for better results. 
B. Rectangular or Square Form

Women who have this shaped body, characterized by being provided, are straight. The size of your shoulders is usually the same as your waist and hip, hence the name "rectangular". If you feel this way and it's a very masculine body curves to not be thought to be favored at the time to get in shape if you follow general training, and that the models tend to have this body type. An example is Cameron Diaz.

Rectangular or Square Form Female Body Shape

Exercises suitable for rectangular or square body

This body can perform virtually any activity. To lose weight will help you perform cardio exercises , especially to reduce the abdomen and legs. When performing toning, it is important to work every muscle in the body.

C. Pear-shaped or Triangular

This body type, women are considered hip, i.e. its main feature is that the hips are wider than your shoulders and that's what gives them the "pear-shaped", since it seems to be the way fruit. Women with this shape often have flat stomach and small breasts. This is because in these bodies fat usually accumulates below the waist, especially in the hip area. Lot of guys find it very sexy body this way. An example is Kim Kardashian.

Pear-shaped or Triangular Body Shape

Exercises suitable for pear or triangle body

Your main objective will be to balance both the upper and lower, for it must reduce the bottom. Ideally generals aerobics where you work at high intensity. It is a mistake to try to do cardio in localized areas because caloric expenditure is general and is distributed throughout the body. However if that can affect a localized toning level. Therefore, the lower body will preference in this regard. In the upper, if necessary can increase muscle mass to compensate and balance.

D. Inverted Triangle Body Shape

This is usually found in people who have worked very top, especially the shoulders. Its typical of the swimmers body, big back compared to the rest of the body. It is a very common body type in men but still also very attractive in women. An example is Angelina Jolie.

Inverted Triangle Body Shape

Exercises suitable for inverted triangle body

It is a form that does not give much trouble to work with. The work is often compensatory to strengthen slightly over the lower body and associated with toning in the upper body. If the person has a complexion broad in the shoulder girdle no reduction methods but if that size comes as a result of physical training and a respective weights, resistance can work half-length to reduce muscle.

E. Apple-Shaped, Oval or Round

Women with this body shape usually have narrow shoulders and thin legs, thin. Instead, the central body corresponding to the abdominal zone particularly large, bulkier, therefore have a wide waist. That is the specific area that we work harder, and that is what is more likely to gain weight. An example is Kate Winslet.

Apple-Shaped, Oval or Round Body Shape

Exercises suitable for apple body, oval or round

You will work primarily to reduce the abdominal area and make it look more proportional to the body. No technical or weight loss methods located, but if you make a continuous physical work combined with dietary guidelines, you'll get what you want. The diet is almost more important than exercise for this body type have much tendency to accumulate in the abdominal area. Do not limit yourself to that area in terms of physical activity and try to increase your metabolic rate by muscle.

Good Luck Friends and Workout Hard :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

6 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Order to Lose Weight

The issue of weight gain and weight loss is that man/women can keep talking nonstop about. Every person has experimented with his diet and exercise regimen to lose or gain weight. However, most of them end up getting bored of these tactics and unfortunately back to the vicious cycle of refraining from eating rich and then succumbing to greed by eating them and feel guilty about it. Their weight loss strategies could not function due to certain common mistakes that can be doing.

6 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Order to Lose Weight
Here are the 6 big mistakes to avoid, if you want to successfully step on the road to fitness.

1. Dieting
The beautiful feeling of losing weight comes more often, only through a combination of regular exercise and healthy diet. Diets should not be short of things long term, so you should make them part of your life. However, it is limited to dieting or eating healthy will not help you lose weight. Only help prevent further weight gain and maintain current weight. You need to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes.

2. Do not Skip Meals
The trick to healthy eating is to eat small meals every 2-3 hours and not starve. You should never skip meals, If you do this then body gets weak and brain cells work slower, so it feels irritated and grumpy enough to grab at your next meal.

3. Crash Diets
The biggest mistake people make is to go on crash diets. They feel so guilty after eating a meal that just get up one day and declare it to the first day of his ultra strict diet. They give up on anything remotely sugary or fattening and try to survive in the raw and organic. You have to get things slowly healthy diet, and get used to eating. You just can not start a whole new diet and hope it works. Your body is not used to this sudden change and react against him, making him feel weak and irritable.

4. Go Too Fast Make Injuries
To see results soon, people running down the road to fitness instead of stepping with ease and some times they get injured. They too strict diet and spend much time in the gym. All this takes a toll on the body, as it is not used to this lifestyle and people do, end up feeling physically weak and emotionally unstable. Make exercise a way of life and see the results come, slowly but steadily.

Go Too Fast Make Injuries

5. Take the Calories
People have the misconception that eating weight gain causes only, and ignore the calories you are drinking. While diet, people tend to replace real food for fruit juices, milkshakes, smoothies, sports drinks, protein shakes, drinks, etc., Have little nutritional value than what is required by the body and are also quite caloric.

6. Expecting Miracles
It is a great mistake to wait great results after only a few days or weeks on the new diet and exercise regimen. The weight loss is a slow and steady process for which we must have immense patience. People who expect miraculous results are return to their unhealthy lifestyle. This is a wrong attitude and outlook to maintain health.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

8 techniques of Zumba which lose weight and feel like fun

As we know that Zumba is a concept of dance / fitness. Zumba exercise is synonymous with health along with a fun activity. It brings the joy of different genres such as flamenco dancing, salsa, belly dancing, samba, among others.

It has been found that hundreds of people have managed to lose weight, tone body and improved their quality of life and self-esteem, and learn one or two little step dance. It requires greater economic cost, it can be done in the gym, in the comfort of your home, alone, in the company and clear!

Zumba Fun ClassesThere are eight types of Zumba for you to make that fits more with their workout. Choose the most suitable according to your tastes, times and habits:

Zumba Fitness: It's easy to follow, effective and totally exhilarating. It also helps to build strong ties between students who repeat classes.

Zumba Gold: Modify the movements and rhythm to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as for those just starting their journey to a healthier lifestyle. Ideal for active seniors.

Zumba Toning: When it comes to body shaping, the program raises the difficulty. It combines specific body shaping exercises and high energy cardio with Zumba movements and full of Latin flavor and thus creates a dance party and fitness, ideal to build muscle and burn calories.

Aqua Zumba: It integrates the Zumba formula and philosophy with aquatic disciplines of traditional fitness. Gather all in a safe and challenging water workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, tone the body and, best of all, is that it is incredibly exciting!

Aqua Zumba

Zumbatomic: Designed exclusively for children 4 to 12 years, classes are fitness holiday full of excitement and high energy dose. They have routines suitable for children with special choreography and the music that they love the little ones, like hip-hop, cumbia and more.

Zumba in the Circuit: Raises training to its highest level while playing in big. It is a 30 minute class with explosive dance moves inspired by Latin dance combined with circuit training, along with a series of muscle-strengthening exercises. Created to burn calories and fight boredom, the class has students move through different exercise stations to the beat of reggaeton, salsa, hip-hop, among others.

Zumba Gold-Toning: A program of dance and fitness to improve health, easy to follow for both baby boomers and beginners. With dynamic resistance exercises and light weights, along with international rhythms fun classes to help strengthen your muscles, increase bone density and improve mobility, posture and coordination.

Zumba Toning

Zumba Sentao: Training offers the excitement of the party and fitness combined with explosive choreography and chairs to strengthen, balance and stabilize your torso and renew cardiovascular training.

Zumba Sentao

For those who do not like sports, in Zumba can see a good alternative due to the combination of exercise + fun

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Get Well Formed Legs

For women, the legs are one of the most appreciated by men, if you want to show off your legs and have some problems, I will tell you two exercises to get legs toned and beautiful. They are simple exercises to do at home and will enable your legs to look more beautiful and the results will be amazing, not to mention the benefits it will provide to your health.

How to get toned legs:

The SQUAT Exercise:

SQUAT is excellent for strengthening the legs.

The SQUAT Exercise

1. Do it with your back straight and make the move to sit in an imaginary chair, will be working the muscles in the front of the leg, back and buttocks.

2. To make the exercise more difficult and increase the difficulty level by adding weights, placing them on the shoulders, the weight will increase and it will be harder.

3. Trying to be in alignment with your knees ankles and hips with them, a sign that there is not a correct position is when you feel hitches in the joints, should stop to avoid injury.

4. Projecting an imaginary line that loops through the center of the head and this is the inciting to rise or fall. But that will not cause tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.

In Miami, Metropolis Fitness and SPA provide the best SQUAT Classes for Women. Choose You best Class Timings at : www.metropolisfitness.com/class-schedule

Lunges Exercise for toned legs
  The Lunges Exercise:

1. These exercises will be of great help to tone the buttocks, quadriceps and calves.

2. One leg goes forward and the other backward, with reference to the hips and trying to maintain alignment.

3. Bend the front leg and raise the heel of the back, make a downward movement should not feel tension in your knees, your arms should keep them relaxed, this move is similar to a stride.

4. It is advisable not to do these exercises if you have back problems , it could cause injury.

These two short workout will make your legs good in shape, beautiful and stronger.

Friday, February 15, 2013

What is Boot Camp Workout in Reality

Boot Camp Workout is a new way of fitness that is basically a military-style training, with intense preparation and basic exercises, resulting in a higher level of strength, coordination and psychological resistance. Boot Camp training is recommended for those in need of discipline and motivation other than expressed in fitness centers.

These workout are accompanied by rhythmic music to the rhythm of the famous songs of marines, where you can recreate the same exercises they perform, encouraged by instructors who do not give rest to the body. The characteristics of the session are usually no breaks, adapted movements given space, large number of participants.

What is Boot Camp Workout in Reality

While most are men, women are also beginning to turn to this type of training which among other things produces the following benefits: 
  • Great psychological resistance, the increased effort and willpower. 
  • Weight loss and body fat reduction.
  • Improved cardiovascular health . 
  • Increased strength and potency of most of the muscles. 
  • Increased energy level and decrease depression. 

The Boot Camp training is based on intermittent exercise, i.e. one or several years followed by very short pauses or periods of active recovery. Thus working at high intensity, providing a near-maximal aerobic exercise combined with a great job of muscle strength. Course to start this type of activity should be prescribed and some degree of fitness prior to avoid inconveniences in full training support.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to Kill Fat in the GYM

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to burn fat in the gym. Focus on big muscles which are the activators of metabolism, instead of working on as many muscles as possible. To melt body fat or weight loss, muscle growth is on of the solution. Doing more reputations is more helpful than lifting heavy weights of less reputations.


1 Ponte facing a wall and step back over the right foot. The left toes should be touching the wall. This is the initial position.

2 Lower the body until the top of the left thigh is parallel to the ground. Click with the left heel against the ground as hard as you can.

3 Hold 5 seconds and returns to the initial position quickly.

4 Do 5 reps in 1 minute, immediately switch legs and repeat.

5 Rest 60 seconds and repeat this sequence two minutes, this time starting with the right foot forward. By having your toes against the wall, work more hamstrings and glutes. An exercise that traditionally focuses on the quadriceps involves entire lower body.

Front Lunge
UPPER BODY EXERCISE : ( Shoulder press and triceps extension )

1 Kneel with a pair of dumbbells with your arms hanging at sides.

2 Make a biceps curl the dumbbells up near the shoulders.

3 Then lift the dumbbells above your head with your palms facing.

4 Without moving your upper arm, lower the dumbbells behind your head.

5 Reverses the movement, returns to the initial position.

6 Repeat for 90 seconds and rest another 30.

You are doing three exercises in a row (biceps curl, shoulder press, triceps extension) and, kneeling, the core works more effectively than standing.

Shoulder press and triceps extension

FULL BODY EXERCISE : ( Rolling dumbbell skier )

1 Take two dumbbells of varying weight and chest ahead with arms outstretched. You get with your feet apart the width of the hips and legs bended.

2 Without bending your lower back, bend at the hips while wearing both arms back.

3 Bring your hips forward explosively and retrieves the vertical, letting dumbbells chest to the effect of inertia.

4 continues for 20 seconds. Change the dumbbell heavier hand in successive super sets.

Besides the hamstrings, this exercise works the entire core , from the shoulders to the hips.

Rolling dumbbell skier
FULL BODY EXERCISE : ( Climber with dumbbells )

1 Get in the position to do push-ups with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. The body should form a straight line from ankles to head. This is the initial position.

2 Lift the right foot soil and slowly on his right knee to your chest as possible without bending the lower back.

3 Return to the starting position and repeat with the left knee. Continue for 20 seconds, switching legs with each repetition.

The abdominal work to stop and get the pulse skyrocketing.

Climber with dumbbells

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How to Get a Quick V-Shaped Back

Hello All, How are you?

Here the some extraordinary tips to get back you want:

1. Stretching before training chest back 2% can increase the strength of the latissimus dorsi and erector spinae.

2. Better posture and more profit: To work more muscles of the back, chest out when you do back in high pulley. This way you increase 12% exercise intensity, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

3. Train less and better: visit dead weight series heavily loaded once a week. So you involve more muscles, as scientists have discovered estadounidentes.

4. Good grip If subject the bar with your palms facing your body when you do back in high pulley, those muscles grow faster, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

5. Separate hands: When you do exercises such as rowing, chins and pull downs, worry less weight and more grip. If you grab the bar with your hands wider apart than shoulder width, you get better isolate the muscles of the back, even if low weight loads

How to Get a Quick V-Shaped Back
6. Do not do the repetitions in a hurry. For muscles of the upper back portion grow, need to be at least 40 seconds under tension in each series. Scapulae Board for 2 seconds at the end of each repetition. It's like the button activating the back muscles growth.

7. When you change to a new training plan, lower back is the one with the greatest risk of injury. To protect it, begins with the paddling invested. wanted Thus you increase muscle and back stability. Of all rowing exercises, this is the column subjected to less pressure.

8. The back muscles are little, so it's easy to forget about them. By viewing during training the compellest work harder, according to the Journal of Athletic Training.

9. Really concentrate on the muscles during exercise can increase your power by up to 53%, according to a study published in the journal Neurophysiology. Tense the muscles in your back like you're posing. You will be rewarded with more power.

10. Try to train the back with a range of 15 to 25 reps, less weight loading . It is equally effective to do short sessions with few repetitions.

11. Get a V-shaped trunk with an exercise called the burly farmer's walk. Grab something heavy and starts walking. Easy, right? lot This exercise develops the back and narrow waist.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bronchitis Patients Must Have More Amount of Water and No Antibiotics

Every year is the same, with the arrival of cold, increased colds, flu and other respiratory problems. However, despite the cadence, it seems that neither doctors nor patients are clear when or why antibiotics should be used. A study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, notes that too many doctors still prescribing these drugs in cases unnecessary and that a support program to remember in what cases should prescribe these medications help to both specialists citizens to know that under certain conditions such as acute bronchitis, the best thing is water and a painkiller.

Taking antibiotics when not needed is an unnecessary addition, a significant risk. On the one hand, is the occurrence of side effects like diarrhea (for destroying bacterial flora) or fungi and other super bugs increased resistance to these drugs create and make it difficult healing of certain diseases. Spain is among the European countries with the highest consumption of antibiotics and, therefore, higher percentage of resistant bacterial strains , according to the Ministry of Health.

Therefore, any initiative to reduce the misuse of drugs is welcome. Ralph Gonzales, MD, University of California (San Francisco), has conducted a study which analyzed and compared the effectiveness of two methods to try to reduce the prescription of antibiotics in people with acute bronchitis, an infection of the lower respiratory tract - for which are not indicated.

Thus, 33 primary care centers were randomly assigned to three groups: one was the control, another was given to doctors and patients information leaflets on the indications of antibiotics and the third contained information and an alert system to remember this information.Then we compared antibiotic prescribing for acute bronchitis in all centers and with rates three previous winter periods.

What I could see was that the number of antibiotic prescriptions in the first group increased by 1%, while it decreased by 12% in the second and 13% in the third group. "When joining these methods to other educational materials for physicians and patients, both print and digital brochures can make improvements , "say the authors in their study.

Bronchitis Patients Must Have More Amount of Water and No Antibiotics

What symptoms occur and how to treat them

González Rodríguez explains it best " for common colds, flu or viral acute bronchitis , if the person does not have any other problem, is not given antibiotics. "

These problems are distinguished by their symptoms. In the cold may appear dry cough, runny nose, sore throat and eye irritation. Meanwhile, in addition to presenting flu symptoms mentioned, usually appears high fever, malaise, 'a feeling of beating, and prostration. In contrast, acute bronchitis, which often inflame the trachea and bronchi, cough is deeper, there is seldom found expectoration and fever.

"These problems are caused by viruses always," said the expert. For this reason, antibiotics are not indicated and "should be given symptomatic treatment, ie, an analgesic for discomfort, a natural remedy for cough if required and liquids and juices."

The intake of water or juice is recommended because in winter, when the person remains at home or in an enclosed area, the air is very dry. "It should prevent dryness and hydrate well. Moreover, if we have the stuffy nose, the mouth breathing evaporate more and have more dryness. Water and humidity favor expectoration," says the pulmonologist.

Only an antibiotic should be administered in cases of bronchitis caused by a bacterial infection or pneumonia. "In bacterial bronchitis, whose symptoms are similar to the virus and passing through deep cough and expectoration, the difference is that the sputum changes color changes from white to yellow or green, and is thicker. Perhaps there may also be fever ".

For its part, the pneumonia, which is the most serious respiratory problem, generates high and sustained fever, pain in the side that impairs breathing, chills and shivering. Patients with this problem, which is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma, should receive antibiotics and sometimes even required hospitalization.

However, as noted by the specialist, must be evaluated case by case. "At-risk individuals (with renal, cardiac, etc.) There is more risk of lower respiratory complicated problem and ends in pneumonia. Because, as they say among physicians, the virus opens the door to bacteria " .