Monday, July 27, 2015

Top Facts of Healthy Modern Nutrition For Every Child

Preschool covers the period from 2 to 6 years. The school year runs from 6 to 12 years. During the preschool and school period there has been a slowdown in the growth rate over the first year of life. However, this growth must be accompanied by a steady increase in weight.

In the second year the intestine has matured and the child's diet is very similar to that of an adult.

About two years, children have a decreased appetite because its growth is slower than in the previous stages and need fewer calories. Usually more anarchic in the amount of food they eat, they may be exceeded in a meal and compensate by eating less at the next. Despite all this the number of daily total calories is correct and should not be alarmed if the pediatrician observed proper weight gain. What it is important to try to score some guidelines and a routine environment to food.

They should empower and let them eat alone. Almost diet is very similar to the adult, so they should get used to eat everything. The child will express their preferences and tastes; often mimics the behavior of the adult. You must create a positive atmosphere ahead of food and maintain a set of routines and schedules. It is important to promote family meals. The balanced diet from two years will contribute to a better development and growth of the child and will be the basis for healthy habits.

A child between 1 and 3 years needs to eat 1,300 kcal / day and between 4 and 6 1,800. Breakfast should provide 25% of daily calories and 30% lunch and dinner. The snack should not exceed 15% of total daily calories. Protein should provide 10-15% of the calories in the diet and are very important for growth. Carbohydrates provide half the daily calories and fat 30-35%.

One way to get a good balanced diet is following the pattern of the "Mediterranean diet". With a balanced diet they are not needed vitamin supplements. The child from 2 to 6 years should consume daily cereals (with carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals); vegetables or pulses (which provide fiber, minerals, vitamins and proteins); pint of milk a day minimum (or dairy), fruit and olive oil.

Food Facts

Different food groups for this age ration examples are as follows:
  • Milk and milk products. Yogurts having substantially the same composition as the milk is more easily digested, help replenish the intestinal flora and are lower in lactose
  • Meat, fish, eggs and pulses: 2 servings (80 g of meat, fish or chicken, 100 g of lentils or chickpeas cooked or 1 egg).
  • Bread, cereals, pasta and rice: 3 to 5 servings (80 g of bread, 1 potato, 1 bowl of rice).
  • Fruits & Vegetables: 5 servings (150 g of boiled vegetables, a piece of fruit, salad).
  • Olive oil: 4 or 5 tablespoons.
It is to limit the consumption of sweets in the diet and snacks do not feed the child and satisfied. The same goes for sweet drinks. The best drink is water and soda or bottled juices are reserved for special situations. Cow's milk must be whole, not skim, and containing fats needed for child nutrition. It is highly recommended that meals are prepared at home with fresh quality products and taking extreme hygiene measures.

Latest recommendations:
  • The child must decide how much you want to eat and to avoid resentment between meals.
  • You should eat only if you can.
  • Do not fill your plate up top; It is better to offer small amounts and repeat if the child wants.
  • Family meals, with regular schedules.

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