Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Get Well Formed Legs

For women, the legs are one of the most appreciated by men, if you want to show off your legs and have some problems, I will tell you two exercises to get legs toned and beautiful. They are simple exercises to do at home and will enable your legs to look more beautiful and the results will be amazing, not to mention the benefits it will provide to your health.

How to get toned legs:

The SQUAT Exercise:

SQUAT is excellent for strengthening the legs.

The SQUAT Exercise

1. Do it with your back straight and make the move to sit in an imaginary chair, will be working the muscles in the front of the leg, back and buttocks.

2. To make the exercise more difficult and increase the difficulty level by adding weights, placing them on the shoulders, the weight will increase and it will be harder.

3. Trying to be in alignment with your knees ankles and hips with them, a sign that there is not a correct position is when you feel hitches in the joints, should stop to avoid injury.

4. Projecting an imaginary line that loops through the center of the head and this is the inciting to rise or fall. But that will not cause tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.

In Miami, Metropolis Fitness and SPA provide the best SQUAT Classes for Women. Choose You best Class Timings at : www.metropolisfitness.com/class-schedule

Lunges Exercise for toned legs
  The Lunges Exercise:

1. These exercises will be of great help to tone the buttocks, quadriceps and calves.

2. One leg goes forward and the other backward, with reference to the hips and trying to maintain alignment.

3. Bend the front leg and raise the heel of the back, make a downward movement should not feel tension in your knees, your arms should keep them relaxed, this move is similar to a stride.

4. It is advisable not to do these exercises if you have back problems , it could cause injury.

These two short workout will make your legs good in shape, beautiful and stronger.

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