Friday, June 21, 2013

Benefits of Exercise in "Muscles And Bones"

The human body for correct operation has to have a fit and proper muscles. If our body is not fit then muscular and joint pains appears slowly. The controlled and planned physical activity have many benefits. But to get them we have to be consistent in practice or join a gym where personal trainer or fitness trainer can take care of your health and fitness.

exercise on muscles and bones

Some benefits of exercise on muscles and bones: 

In Muscle: While doing sports or gym session muscles tone will improve slowly. Doing this activity makes muscles stronger and in a few weeks the volume of muscles will start increasing and the results will be visible to the naked eye. The human body is designed to work well when there is a suitable muscle, for this its essential to do exercise.

In the Bones: The body when you realize that the muscles gain strength then begins the process by which bones become denser hard and strong in order to support the new loads of stress arising from the new muscles. It's like the benefits cardiovascular system, which produces feed-back and that apparently have nothing to do with sports.

In the Joints: Increasing the effectiveness of the joints due to the resistance of tendons and ligaments and improved internal lubrication added increasing muscle mass and strength, making quality of life increases exponentially allowing delay aging and increase the chances expansion as active and independent person.

  • Increases muscle mass and therefore strength and endurance.
  • Muscles increase resistance to fatigue, allowing better withstand daily workouts.
  • The muscles and reactions become faster, making you feel one more skilled and agile.
  • The bones thicken, become more resilient and less prone to fractures with unexpected falls.
  • The general increase in strength, endurance, balance and agility falls significantly reduces traumatic injuries and postural

In our mind the exercise improves quality of life. 

Exercise improves quality of life
  • The exercise makes us feel safe and that our self-esteem increases.
  • In almost every sport increases socialization of the individual.
  • The exercise reduces stress.
  • We increased our leisure activities, making us happier.
  • We increased our topics of conversation, so increased our ability to socialize.
  • We increase our circle of acquaintances.

Against pain and injuries:

Increasing our physical and our self-esteem affects many widespread pain slashing. The strengthening of our body, makes us more alert, more balance and we have a complex reaction time more efficiently and quickly, so that the drops and bumps are reduced.

Strengthening the muscles, thickening of the bones, makes them less traumatic falls and recover the normal state rather than a sedentary person. Always be necessary to develop skills in different ways and add other workouts to normal sessions. Perform a few minutes of stretching exercises after each session.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Motivate Yourself to Loose Weight with Boot Camp Training

People tend to get loose with a lot of things when they are fat. There are lots of things that we found useful in the search for a more beautiful and fit body. For fit body, there is one thing that we can is the field of cardio boot. You can motivate yourself to lose weight by these military techniques or Boot camp Training also like: sit-ups, push-ups, walking, weight training, obstacle courses. Do these exercise get your body in shape but you have to start slowly and take your time. Stretching before engaging in any physical activity at all times. "Remember one thing that these routines are not for those who have injuries." You can also join Boot Camp fitness Classes because it challenge the mind and as well as the body.

How to Motivate Yourself to Loose Weight:

1. Stretching:
Start by stretching your arms by raising them above your head. Do it in an upward motion, stretching as far as you can until you feel your muscles tense. You will feel a minor burning sensation. Stretching a little more and then relax. Do not strain.

Body Strectching

2. Fitness Level:
You should be able to determine your fitness level: beginner, intermediate or advanced. You should know this to see if you are fit to do push-ups or crunches.
Body Fitness Level

3. Beginner and Experts:
The beginner will only be able to do some exercise because they tired quickly. The average is able to exercise a little but never tires of normal activities. The advanced is able to do push-ups and sit-ups regularly, including walking and running.
Beginners and Experts in fitness training

The beginner can add straight leg exercise routine. Sit on the floor with your back straight and legs extended. Then you have to touch your toes. Do 10 repetitions.

The medium can do a complete push-up by lying on stomach with legs fully extended behind him. Get your hands on the floor beside your shoulders. Push arms forward until it is fully extended. Keep your back straight. Lower your body until your nose touches the ground. Do a round of 20.

The advanced can do by adding more run a mile in their routine.