Monday, April 15, 2013

3 Levels Benefits of Exercise and Sport

The physical exercise and sports help us to improve our health and quality of life. Exercise provides a number of benefits to the physical, psychological, social and emotional. Physical activity is one of the healthiest habits we can do, as it helps us to eliminate excess kilos and retained fluids in our body, we can gain muscle mass and tone our body combat fatigue, improve our mood, relieve stress or improve intestinal transit.

The physical exercise and sports

Regular exercise have lots of advantages, but some people do not try because of laziness or muscle pains. However, a little willpower and effort can quickly notice the positive effects of leading a physically active life.

There are many reasons you may opt for one or another sport, but more importantly, feels comfortable, like it do and does not annoying anyone. It is also important to consult with a doctor and a Personal Trainer who can tell you what kind of exercise is best for you and which activity achieve higher performance. Is it time to start gradually, to accustom your body to the effort involved in daily physical exercise. Our body will be grateful, because the number of health benefits is very high.

Personal Trainer

A physical level:

  • Remove fat and prevent weight problems
  • Increase your resistance
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
  • Increases muscle development
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Increased cardio-respiratory fitness
  • Overall improvement in our fitness to achieve endurance, strength, speed and elasticity.
  • Prevents constipation problems

3 Levels Benefits of Exercise and Sport

A psychic level:

  • Eliminate stress
  • It allows you to relax and sleep better
  • Improving your coordination and reflexes
  • It helps to reassure and prevent depressive states

A socio-emotional level:

  • It helps us to relate to others
  • Increases motivation and interest
  • It acquired values ​​such as leadership, responsibility or assistance
  • Encourages teamwork
  • Reduce the aggressiveness
  • Promotes self-esteem
  • Improved body image

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